my lithographycal fps

"Come with me

and you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you'll see
Into your imagination"
(music credit@ fiona apple / pure imagination)

"Can I grow back to you?

Little by little together
We fight for our dreamless life
Sooner it's over, I go home
Adventures truly come and go
Heart by heart, turning cold
Before they grow and hit too low
We grow, and then we die
And I will always be the one to go
Yes, I will always be the one to go."
(music credit @ sóley / grow)

"I was listenin' to the ocean

I saw a face in the sand, but when I picked it up
Then it vanished away from my hands, down
I had a dream I was seven
Climbing my way in a tree,I saw a piece of heaven
Waiting impatient for me, down and I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain
But no, take me home, take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore"
(music credit @ aurora askens/ runaway)

"A person who thinks all the time

Has nothing to think about except thoughts
So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions
By thoughts I mean specifically, chatter in the skull
Perpetual and compulsive repetition of words,

of reckoning and calculating
I'm not saying that thinking is bad
Like everything else, it's useful in moderation
A good servant, but a bad master
And all so-called civilized peoples
Have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive
Because through excessive thinking, they have lost

touch with reality That's to say
We confuse signs
With the real world"
(music credit @ Alan Watts / INZO)

bonga, after, anatolian,film,lonley, rainbow, slippery



short noises

Il formaggio e i vermi”


play them together

follow the yellow

brick road

(music credit@judyGarland,themunchkins/


“Worms weave

a ring where fairies square dance
Queens and kings fairies weave wigs with eyelash
Trance music makes the fairies dance”

(music credit @cocorosie/fairy paradise)


Madness is my name
Madness is the game
I will play with you
Madness is the kiss I'll give to you
Wrapped in silver night
And you will never be the same
Madness is the maze I will build for you
Till you loose my trace
Madness is the word you will try to tie
Till you loose yourself
And you will never be the same
You'll also be insane

And you will never be the same
And you will also be insane
No use, confuse
What is the use
No use, confuse
What is the use
If nothing will be the same again

You will never be the same
You will never be the same
You will also be insane



Tanzánia / 2022